108 學年度第一學期 資訊工程學系系大會
※ 線上報名者必須攜帶學生證才能領餐盒,額滿為止,其他的同學仍然歡迎參加!
※ 受邀參加對象:全系的老師、大學部學生、碩士班學生、博士班學生、all international students與碩專班學生。
2019 Professors and All Students Fall Semester General Meeting of CSIE Department
Date: December 18, 2019
Time: 18:00-19:00
Class Room: I109
All participants should be required to fill the registration form under the limitation of maximum 200 seats. Then, the dinner boxes will be provided only for the students who have finished the registration in-time).
Because of only 180 seats including 5 to10 seats will be reserved by Professors and 170 seats are prepared for students according to the capacity limitations of only 200 seats as well as only 200 dinner boxes.
※ The student who finished the online registration has to bring his/her student ID card in order to be verified and then receive a dinner box after the Fall Semester General Meeting. Other students who did not finish the registration are still welcome to attend this meeting.
※ Participants will be all Professors, all students including undergraduate students, Master students, Doctoral students and all International students.
請大四一定要參加系大會 頒獎未到視同放棄得獎資格!!!
資工系 敬啟 108.12.13