105/05/11 講 題 Who is smart? Exploring the meaning of intelligence Dr. Eva E Chen

  • 2016-05-09
  • RulingDigital

105/05/11 講 題 Who is smart? Exploring the meaning of intelligence Dr. Eva E Chen


Speaker  :  Dr. Eva E Chen (陳伊慈)

Assistant Professor

Division of Social Science,

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Time       :  13:10-15:00 on May 11, 2016  (Wednesday)

Venue     :  亞洲大學 A116 哈佛講堂


     What does it mean to be intelligent? The definition of intelligence has shifted over the years. There is growing recognition that individuals can be smart in a wide variety of ways. In addition, broader societal factors can influence how we perceive intelligence. By understanding intelligence further, we can gain deeper insights into what it means to be a creative leader.



Harvard University

    Ed.D. in Human Development and Education  2007-2012

    Ed.M. in Mind, Brain, and Education                  2007-2010

Stanford University

     M.A. in Sociology                                                    2004-2006

     B.A. in Psychology                                                  2002-2006

     Departmental Honors and University Distinction

     Awarded Firestone Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Research


主辦單位:亞洲大學  資電學院  資訊工程學系

協辦單位:亞洲大學  國際學院
