學年度 | 主持人 | 指導教授 | 研究計畫 | 補助單位 | 執行日期 |
108 | 陳柏翰 | 蕭進松 | 以新穎方檢測市售蔬果農藥含量 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 邱柏嘉 | 謝長倭 | 在量子電腦實現通訊領域常用的兩種編碼 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 林子晴 | 黃明祥 | 應用機器學習技術於無人圖書館辨識系統之研發 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 林孟璇 | 龔自良 | 適用於居家健康照護之體態檢測辨識軟體研製 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 洪梓瑜 | 時文中 | 研製一個基於探究學習理論與專題導向的程式學習App | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 王鉦傑 | 陳兆南 | 以TCP server為基礎之智慧物聯網電力即時監控系統 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 王冠堯 | 莊政宏 | 深度學習應用於脊椎椎骨異常狀態分類 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 薛佾展 | 陳良弼 | 種下未來 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 郭之凡 | 沈偉誌 | 應用深度學習正子影像分析於鼻咽癌患者預後預測 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
108 | 陳俊宇 | 黃銘祥 | 應用機器學習技術於慢性疾病飲食食品檢索與分類之研發 | 科技部 | 2019/07/01~2020/02/28 |
學年度 | 專利名稱 | 申請國家 | 創作來源類別 | 申請類別 | 委託單位 | 發明人 |
108 | 高電壓氮化鎵電晶體及其製造方法 | 中華民國 | 其他 | 發明 | 長宏 | 許健,宋昱霖 |
108 | 高電壓氮化鎵電晶體及其製造方法 | 日本 | 其他 | 發明 | 長宏 | 許健,宋昱霖 |
108 | 高電壓氮化鎵電晶體及其製造方法 | 美國 | 其他 | 發明 | 長宏 | 許健,宋昱霖 |
108 | 常閉式金屬氧化物半導體場效電晶體之氮注入方法 | 中華民國 | 其他 | 發明 | 大東 | 許健 |
108 | 省電觸發式發報裝置(原:超省電WiFi發報裝置) | 中華民國 | 其他 | 新型 | 長宏 | 陳永欽,楊皓程 |
108 | 應用程式監控分析系統(原:基於影像處理及改良GAN演算法實現智慧型行動裝置使用行為的偵測) | 中華民國 | 科技部專題計畫 | 發明 | 長宏 | 蔡志仁,蔡進發,薛榮銀,柯慧貞,郭俊顯 |
108 | 結合人工智慧之游牧式養蜂地圖安全監控方法與系統 | 中華民國 | 其他 | 發明 | 逢大 | 朱學亭 |
編號 No |
學年度 School year |
學位別 Degree |
姓名 Name |
論文名稱 Thesis title |
指導教授 Advising professor |
網址 handle |
1 | 108 | 碩士 | 徐偉恩 WEI EN HSU |
應用深度學習自動計算心胸比率於臨床判別 Application of Deep Learning for Automated Cardiothoracic Ratio Calculation and Cardiomegaly Detection |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/fd7ts2 |
2 | 108 | 碩士 | Syauki Aulia Thamrin | Finding the Most Profitable Products to Upgrade to Top-k Products on the Market | 陳良弼ARBEE L.P. CHEN | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/dsh536 |
3 | 108 | 碩士 | 張晉銜 JHANG, JIN-SIAN |
利用AIoT架構設計轉移學習之人臉辨識機制-以門禁系統為例 Face Recognition Design Using AIoT Architecture with Transfer Learning - a Door Lock Control System |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/63f5ez |
4 | 108 | 碩士 | Thunga Manoj Kumar Reddy | Physics-Based TCAD Simulation and Study of Traps for Calibration in GaN/AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor | 宋昱霖YU-LIN SONG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/d8kkms |
5 | 108 | 碩士 | Chennayyagari JhansiLakshmi | Study of Nitrogen Ion Implantation in GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT Device Planar Isolation Technology by Using TCAD Simulation | 宋昱霖YU-LIN SONG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8f24jg |
6 | 108 | 碩士 | Bhajantri Hemanth Kumar | An Innovative Structure using 5 Passivation Layer with Improved HTRB Performance for High Voltage Power Device | 宋昱霖YU-LIN SONG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hkt9qs |
7 | 108 | 碩士 | Atluri Hemanth | Field Plate Structure Dependence of Dynamic Ron Reduction in GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT Device by Physical Based TCAD Simulation | 宋昱霖YU-LIN SONG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/9rtaqg |
8 | 108 | 碩士 | Bandi Lavanya | Study of UHV-LDMOS Electrical Characteristics with Linear P-Top Technology by using Taurus and Fully Ion-Implantation Process | 宋昱霖YU-LIN SONG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/jsuk9e |
9 | 108 | 碩士 | 張繼宇 Chang, Chi-Yu |
使用人工智慧辨別茶葉品種 Using AI to Identify the Type of Oriental Beauty Tea |
薛榮銀Shae, Zon-Yin | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/qeckv4 |
10 | 108 | 碩士 | 陳昆毅 Chen, Kun-Yi |
使用 triplet loss 函數卷積網路做茶葉驗證 Tea Verification Using Triplet Loss Convolutional Network |
薛榮銀Shae, Zon-Yin | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/u4d3kk |
11 | 108 | 碩士 | 姜欣佑 CHIANG, HSIN-YU |
基於行車記錄視訊之駕駛情況自動辨識研究 Automatic Recognition of Driving Events Based on Driving Recorder Videos |
莊政宏CHUANG, CHENG-HUNG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/c96f7v |
12 | 108 | 碩士 | 周悅鵬 CHOU, YUEH-PENG |
結合多重雜湊與區塊鏈機制之影像內容驗證技術 An Image Content Authentication Using Multi-hash and Blockchain Scheme |
CHUANG, CHENG-HUNG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/dvpbca |
13 | 108 | 碩士 | 蕭詠鍵 SIAO, YONG-JIAN |
決策樹在室內設計適用性的研究 The Study of the Applicability for Decision Tree in Interior Design |
陳興忠Chen,Hsing-Chung 李元榮LI,YUAN-RONG |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/23996z |
14 | 108 | 碩士 | 何秉宸 Bing-Chen He |
基於RNN算法的PM2.5擴散預測研究 Research on Diffusion Prediction of PM2.5 with RNN Algorithm |
陳興忠Hsing-Chung Chen | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/v37wcz |
15 | 108 | 碩士 | 郭錫勳 Shyi-Shiun Kuo |
應用於雲端伺服器DDoS攻擊偵測與安全防護之研究 The Study of DDoS Attack Detection and Secure Protection for Cloud Server |
陳興忠Hsing-Chung Chen | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/dxqv5v |
16 | 108 | 碩士 | 簡妤芳 JIAN, YU-FANG |
有向感測器網路連通目標物覆蓋排程演算法研究 A Study on Scheduling Algorithms for Connected Target Coverage in Directional Sensor Networks |
呂威甫LU, WEI-FU | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/h3h34u |
17 | 108 | 碩專 | 劉怡伶 LIU, YI-LING |
行動學習策略應用在國小六年級成語教學之研究 Using Mobile Learning on Chinese Idioms for the Sixth Grader of Elementary School |
朱學亭CHU, HSUEH-TING | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/es225c |
18 | 108 | 碩專 | 鄭育誠 CHENG, EDWARD YU-CHENG |
應用TensorRT進行自動光學檢測的深度學習模型效能比較 Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Models with TensorRT for Automated Optical Inspection |
朱學亭CHU, HSUEH-TING | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/c8m56h |
19 | 108 | 碩專 | 賴明男 LAI, MING-NAN |
應用深度神經網路預測國中生之學業成就 Applying Deep Neural Networks to Predict Academic Achievements of Junior High School Students |
朱學亭CHU, HSUEH-TING | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/f9uqdj |
20 | 108 | 碩專 | 簡嘉德 CHIEN, CHIA-TE |
應用ADDIE模型設計國中生運動訓練的數位學習教材 Using ADDIE model to construct e-learning matenals of sports training for junior high school students |
朱學亭CHU, HSUEH-TING | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8rwdkz |
21 | 108 | 碩專 | 張志隆 CHANG CHIH-LUNG |
應用深度學習模型進行煙火影像分類之研究 A Study of Using Deep Learning Models for Fireworks Image Classification |
朱學亭Chu Hsueh-Ting | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/qja4w4 |
22 | 108 | 碩專 | 吳俊弘 WU JYUN-HONG |
溫溼度大數據平台建置與效能分析 Big Data Based on Temperature and Humidity Platform Establishment and Performance Analysis |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/uj2gvb |
23 | 108 | 碩專 | 洪逸庭 HUNG, YI -TING |
運用資料探勘技術於線上購物系統之研究-以銀飾品商品為例 The Study on Application of Data Mining Technology in Online Shopping System - Taking Silver Jewelry as an Example |
黃明祥HWANG, MIN-SHIANG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/r74bh3 |
24 | 108 | 碩專 | 李沛甄 LI, PEI-CHEN |
檢視個資保護法於人資管理資訊系統之實施分析-以台中市某貿易公司推行人資系統為例 Examine the Implementation of Personal Assets Protection Law on Enterprise Human Resources Management Information Systems: A Case Study of the Implementation of Human Resources System by a Trading Company in Taichung |
黃明祥HWANG, MIN-SHIANG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/56w4r2 |
25 | 108 | 碩專 | 李筱梵 LEE,HSIAO-FAN |
應用雲端顧客關係管理系統於 商品銷售之研究 Research on Application of Cloud Customer Relationship Management System in Merchandise Sales |
黃明祥HWANG, MIN-SHIANG | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/fwr627 |
26 | 108 | 碩專 | 張雅雯 CHANG, YA-WEN |
以科技接受模式探討國小教師使用智慧教室之接受度研究-以臺中地區為例 A Study on Intension of Elementary School Teacher Using Smart Classroom by Technology Acceptance Modein Taichung Area |
陳永欽CHEN, YEONG-CHIN | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/m5448m |
27 | 108 | 碩專 | 蔡玉葭 TSAI, YU-CHIA |
部件識字教學結合平板電腦對國小輕度智能障礙學生識字學習成效之研究 A Study on Teaching Effects of Radical Recognition Strategy with Tablet Computer for Elementary School Students with Mild Intellectual Disability |
陳永欽CHEN, YEONG-CHIN | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/83s7c4 |
28 | 108 | 碩專 | 林珂如 LIN, KE-JU |
回饋系統Kahoot!融入數學教學之研究 ─以國小二年級三位數的加減為例 A Study of An Interactive Response System Kahoot! Implemented on Mathematics Teaching---A Case Study of Three-digit Addition and Subtraction Calculation for Elementary Students |
陳兆南CHEN, CHAO-NAN | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8cumjj |
29 | 108 | 碩專 | 廖佳鈴 LIAO, CHIA-LING |
擴增實境(AR)應用於英語領域情境教室之研究-以臺中市立新國中八年級為例 A Study on the Application of Augmented Reality into the English Simulation Classroom-A Junior High School’s Case Study in Dali, Taichung City |
陳兆南CHEN, CHAO-NAN | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/3x294m |
30 | 108 | 碩專 | 徐俊融 SYU, JYUN-RONG |
改良式互動教學法於公民課程教學成效評估 Evaluation of the Improved Interactive Teaching Method in the Teaching Effect of the Citizenship |
陳永欽CHEN, YEONG-CHIN | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/92re8z |
31 | 108 | 碩專 | 邱家琪 CHIU, CHIA-CHI |
應用擴增實境融入國小社會科領域教學之研究-以國小四年級為例 Research on the Application of Augmented Reality to Integrate into Elementary School Social Science Teaching-A Case Study of Fourth Graders |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8xmpbf |
32 | 108 | 碩專 | 吳姿樺 | 行動學習應用在國小英語教學設計之研究 A Study on Mobile learning for the English Learning of the Elementary Students |
朱學亭CHU, Hsueh-Ting 陳玉菁CHEN, YU-CHING |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/728c6d |
33 | 108 | 碩專 | 陳宛萱 CHEN, WAN-SYUAN |
應用ASSURE模式設計躲避球運動的數位學習 Application of ASSURE mode to design digital learning for dodgeball |
朱學亭CHU, Hsueh-Ting 陳玉菁CHEN, YU-CHING |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/kz57fy |
34 | 108 | 碩專 | 賴雅芳 LAY, YEA-FANG |
直笛輔助教學APP平台之開發與成效評估 The Development and Performance Evaluation of an APP Platform for Straight Flute Assisted Teaching |
廖岳祥LIAO, ANTHONY Y. H. | https://hdl.handle.net/11296/vfsb66 |
35 | 108 | 碩專 | 林岳勳 LIN, YUEH-HSUN |
利用行動通信強波器改善室內訊號之技術報告 The Study on the Improvement of Indoor Signal of Mobile Communication Implemented the Wave-Enhancement Device |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/bmj7z9 |
36 | 108 | 碩專 | 林怡君 LIN, YI-CHUN |
自編電子書應用於國小二年級健康飲食教育之研究 A Study of Application on Self-edited E-books for the Second Graders’ Healthy Education |
https://hdl.handle.net/11296/8vkhkd |