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Course description

The continuing education master's program is planned on the principle of: using "basic research ability development" as a foundation in combination with "advanced core courses on information" and "advanced elective courses on information" to increase professional knowledge in hopes that students will be equipped with professional knowledge and can independently analyze and solve problems. Master's program students will have strengthened abilities in discovering problems, independent analysis, and problem solving.
The core of the two major elective curriculums "advanced core elective courses" and "advanced elective courses on information" are as below.

Advanced Core Elective Courses

The advanced core elective courses ensure that graduates from the master's program possess a basic degree in information. Master's students must pass at least 2 core courses.


(1) The master's program has 10 core courses in math and fundamental science as listed below. Students must pass a minimum of 2 core courses to graduate for a total of 6 credits in math and fundamental sciences. The number of credits must account for a minimum of ¼ of graduating credits.
(2) The master's program has points of graduation such as the standard master's oral thesis but two additional rules to strengthen the research quality of graduation thesis:
(a) Master's program students who wish to graduate in one year must publish at least 1 thesis paper in an English periodical or English international seminar.
(b) Students graduating normally must publish 1 thesis paper in a periodical or seminar.