H304 -  Intelligent Systems & Network Security Lab.

  • 蔡孟樺
陳興忠教授(Hsing-Chung Chen)

研究主題Research Topics:
1. Information Security and Image Processing Technology(資訊安全與影像處理技術)
2. Information and Communication Security (資通訊安全)
3. AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) (智慧物聯網)
4. Blockchain Application and Its Security (區塊鏈應用與安全)
5. Internet of Things Application and Its Security (物聯網應用與安全)
6. Mobile, Wireless Communication and Network Protocols (行動及無線通信與網路協定)
7. Medical and Bio-information Image Processing (醫學與生物影像處理)
8. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (人工智慧與軟計算)
9. Applied Cryptography (應用密碼學)