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PhD Program

  • Course Arrangement

    The dotorate  program is designed with the principle to train the student with advanced research ability and state of the art knowledge.  The students will be equipped with professional knowledge to independently analyze and solve problems. Dotorate program students will be trained to have advanced abilities in problem discovery, independent analysis, and problem solving.

    Advanced elective courses on information engineering include the following major categories, "artificial intelligence", "mobile computing and networks", "knowledge management", "information systems", "multimedia systems", "semiconductor information", and "embedded systems". 



  • Doctorate program students must take at least 6 courses along with a Doctorate thesis (6 credits), seminar (3 credits) and a total of 27 credits to graduate. The graduation requirements for the doctorate program include fulfilling course requirements, pass the qualification exams, completing doctorate thesis with oral exam and paper publication. 
  • To pass the qualify exam, the students need to pass 4 subjects out of the 6 selectable subjects offered by the department.  
    The published paper must be at least one SCI (or two EI) and one EI seminar paper.